August Inspirations – Aug. 4, 2022

August Inspirations – Aug. 4, 2022

Calling all Musicians and Writers:  The Literary Committee and Music Committee of ACCC invite you to be part of an evening of music and literature entitled “August Inspirations” on August 4 in the Theater of the Chaska Community Center.  If you would like to read or perform, choose one of the following prompts for yourself and create a musical piece or a literary work related to that theme:  Farewell, The Meadow, Someday, or Forever.

The music can be an instrumental or a song.  The literary work can be in any genre.  Writers and musicians will perform only one piece and should limit their piece to no more than 5 minutes.  If you would like to participate, please notify us by email, including your name, the title of your piece, and the prompt you used no later than July 28.  The subject line of your email should be:  August Inspirations Submission.

If you have questions about the event or would like to be included in it, please contact Doug Munson at  We are looking forward to this evening of collaboration between musicians and writers.  We hope you will join us!

Theater, Chaska Community Center

August 4, 2022 – 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

(Exhibit Entry Deadlines should be 2 weeks PRIOR to the Exhibit Opening Date)
July 28 to be included in the program

Doug Munson

Please direct any email to with “August Inspirations Submission” to Doug.