Block Printing Class

This class has been cancelled due to the MN “Stay At Home” order during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Students of any skill level will learn to create a design, transfer the design to a specialized silicone block which is made especially for printing, cut the design into the block and print using the block. They will be able to make 5 cards to take home and any number of “art prints” they wish to make using various papers supplied by the instructor. Students may keep the created block and prints as well as a really cool skill they can use for years! Instructor will provide all materials needed for each student to complete the project.

Saturday, April 25th

Sign up for 1 class or both! 

All Skill Levels
Ages: 8+

Minimum Students Required: 3
Maximum Students Allowed: 8

Registration Deadline: Two Days before Class starts

Location: ACCC Arts Center
7924 Victoria Drive, Studio Level
Victoria MN 55386

Nonmembers: $50
ACCC Members: $45
Enjoy family discounts at the Advocate ($100) Membership Level! Includes 10% off each registration for everyone in the family. Membership Info

Materials Detail: If students have a design in mind that will fit on a 4″ x 6″ area, I encourage them to bring to class. Otherwise, I will help them with the creative process. Printing block, ink, 5 blank note cards, and paper are all included in the cost.

This class is easy and fun, even if you’re not the “creative type”! Give it a try!

Bob Pollard