Tag Archive for: ACCC Treasurer

Arts Consortium of Carver County

Seeking Volunteer Treasurer

Volunteer Treasurer

The Arts Consortium of Carver County, MN is a non-profit organization bringing Arts to the Community and Communities to the Arts. This is an exciting time for the organization as we plan the next expansion of our activities from many successful art fairs, music performances, and literary events to opening an arts center.

We are seeking a Volunteer Treasurer to join the board of our growing and thriving Consortium group. As a member of the board, the treasurer will attend monthly meetings of the board, provide monthly and annual financial reports for the board’s decision-making, work with the board to develop an annual budget, and help make decisions on other board matters. The treasurer will work with a finance committee, serve as a fiscal agent and signatory for accounts, and ensure compliance with legal financial and nonprofit standards.

You can learn more about ACCC by visiting the ACCC At A Glance page. For further information and to express interest in this position, please write a letter by February 28, explaining your interest and background to:

Cynthia Anderson, President
Arts Consortium of Carver County