Tag Archive for: Visual Art

ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal

Call for Submissions – ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal

Call for Submissions – All Genres

For the ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal 2020

Send us Your Literary Work, Images of Your Visual Arts, Your Music!  The ACCC is creating a very special project called the ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal. This will be a collection of creative work from artists, writers, musicians and songwriters, and others in the region as well as a historical record of the abounding creativity in Carver County during these uncertain times. We will add to it over the course of 2020 as we adjust to these times.

We invite all Visual Artists, Writers, Songwriters, and Musicians, young and young at heart, to submit your responses to the COVID- 19 pandemic. Your work will be published on the ACCC website as part of our ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal page. Your creative expression will become part of a collective work expressing your thoughts, emotions, inspirations, etc. throughout the year. The journal will provide an artistic perspective on what is happening during this time.

Email your submission to PAJournal@artsofcarvercounty.org. By submitting your information, you agree to allow the Arts Consortium of Carver County to publish your work on our website and allow the ACCC to use your images and recordings for social media and other marketing purposes in the future.  All other rights after publication are yours. You may submit up to 5 works of art, (visual, written, video recording, or audio file).

Please submit one at a time between May 1 and August in the following genres: Literary, Visual, and Music.

Your submission should include:

  1. Name of person who created the work
  2. Phone number (in case we have any questions)
  3. Title of the work and Type (Literary, Visual, Music)
  4. Website or Social Media links to learn more about the creator (optional)
  5. Please attach a photo of yourself. If you do not have an image, don’t worry, we will use the Pandemic Arts logo. Please do not send clip art or copyright protected images.
  6. For visual art, submit an Image of your work in a JPG file of 1MB along with a brief description.
  7. If you are submitting written work, please submit as a Word or PDF attachment. Please submit no more than 1 page double-spaced of prose or poetry in written form.
  8. If you are submitting audio or video files of literary or musical work, please provide us with the YouTube or audio site link to your work. We will publish the link along with your image.  If you cannot supply a link to your audio, then please attach it to your submission as an MP3 file type only.

After your submission has been reviewed by the dedicated ACCC Liaison, it will be published on the ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal page. You will be notified once your submission is posted. After it is posted, we invite you to share it on your social media platforms. Please use #ACCCPandemicArtsJournal on your posts.

Thank you, we look forward to receiving your submissions.

This is a FREE opportunity. If you would like to support activities like this and other activities of the ACCC, please donate today.  Thank you for your support.


If you have questions about the ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal, please contact us:

Susan Coultrap-McQuin

Steve Kelzer

Mary Strother

Cynthia Anderson


ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal