Arts Consortium of Carver County

December ArtMatters Newsletter

Mark Your Calendar

December 13 Writers Read the Holidays, 6:30pm, Arts Center, Victoria, free.

December 15 Clark Machtemes, Traveled Ground, with Jenn Bostic, ACCC House Concert, 7 pm, Charlson Meadows, ticketed event.
January 17 Artists’ Reception Open House for The Passage of Time, 6:30 pm, Arts Center, Victoria, free.

Thank You to our Supporters!

Thank you to our generous donors who contributed to the Arts Consortium of Carver County in our recent matching grant campaign. Our goal was to match $2500 from a generous anonymous donor. We raised $3075! With those contributions, we secured the original matching gift of $2500. In addition, as a result of our success, we will receive a second donation from the anonymous donor, bringing us to a grand total of $10,575!
Thank you so very much for believing in us!

ACCC Arts Center Activities

writers read the holidays

Writers Read the Holidays, December 13, 6:30 pm.  Come share an evening of holiday cheer with prose and poetry celebrating winter holidays, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, and New Year’s Eve.  If you are a writer yourself, bring two or three short pieces to read in a round-robin format.  Otherwise, come with your family and friends to enjoy an evening of creative works and holiday treats at the ACCC Arts Center, 7924 Victoria Dr, Studio Level, Victoria.  You will also have a chance to browse the Holiday Gift Show in process.  We hope you will join us.  For more information visit our website or contact Jim Kane, Literary Liaison.

Holiday Gift Show now through December 22.  Have you seen the Holiday Gift Show yet?  If you are looking for the perfect art lovers gift or something beautiful or practical for yourself, please stop by the Arts Center soon. Items are selling every day from the 30 artists and 8 authors who are participating in the show.  For a donation, you can secure a new A Carver County Christmas CD created by 15 Carver County musicians. Come soon, then come again. It is a fabulous show. For more information, contact Deb Barce, Holiday Gift Show Coordinator.

Call for Artists Participation in new show, The Passage of Time:  You are invited to submit your art work for The Passage of Time Art Exhibit scheduled to open to the public at the ACCC Arts Center on the 11th of January 2019.  If you are interested in submitting to this gallery show, you should consult the website for application and submission details.  We hope the work in this show will explore ideas about the passage of time as it affects each person and generation, considering such themes as memory, our sense of time, our views of the past, present and future.  We ask you to bring your own meaning to this exhibit to showcase your ideas about the Passage of Time. The dates for the exhibit are January 11-March 22, 2019. We will host an Artists’ Reception Open House from 6:30-8:30 pm on January 17, 2019.  For more information, see the website. For questions, contact Mary Strother, Gallery Coordinator.

Passage of Time

New Class Starting Tuesday, January 15, 10:30-11:30am: Barb Hone will teach an 8-week course on William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This tragedy is the core of the class, but the class will also provide a capsulized history of drama: the worldview as the Middle Ages tumbled into the Renaissance; Shakespeare, the man, the playwright, the poet; and the culture of the Elizabethan Era. The cost is $65/student and includes the book. Register by January 10, 2019. Details and Registration is on our Classes page on our website. Questions, contact Barb Hone.

Visual Arts

The “Emerging Photographers” Exhibit continues at Ridgeview Medical Center through Dec. 20th. Photographs are located in the Same Day Surgery Gallery hallway in Waconia.

4th Annual Photo Contest Winners Announced

We are pleased to announce the winners of this year’s photo contest. They were honored at the Victoria Burrow on November 15. Dr. Joe Kandiko judged the contest.  We had 81 entries from 28 photographers and 15 winners! In the K-Grade 4 category Elle Jay (EJ) Black won the Blue, Red, and Yellow ribbons.  In the Grade 5-8 category Cullen McPhillips won the Blue, Red, and Yellow ribbons. In the Grade 9-12 category, Zoe Hearon won the Blue ribbon, Emma Aspelin won the Red ribbon, and Disha Thakkar won the Yellow ribbon. In the Adult 18+ Carver County Resident category, Rebecca Willette won the Blue ribbon, Shannon Swanson won the Red ribbon, and Neil Wingert won the Yellow ribbon. In the Adult 18+ Non-Resident of Carver County category, Jim Teske won the Blue ribbon, Barbara Van Nest Zadeh won the Red ribbon, and Roslyn Long won the Yellow ribbon. Congratulations to the winners. View all photos.

A Carver County Christmas CDMusic Arts

The new A Carver County Christmas CD includes songs from 15 Carver Country musicians. It is fantastic! There are two different covers on the CDs: one by acclaimed rural artist Bonnie Mohr; and one with a photo taken by Mark Olson, editor of the Chaska Herald, of City Square Park in Chaska. The CDs can be obtained in the Arts Center for a donation. Questions, contact Steve Kelzer.

Musicians and Songwriters are listed on our website. Thank you to all who made this CD possible!

House Concert, Charlson Meadows December 15, 2018, Limited Tickets Available!

ACCC is sponsoring a House Concert featuring Clark Machtemes, his band Traveled Ground and protégé, Jenn Bostic. Last year, Jenn won the BCMA (British Country Music Association) award as International Touring Artist. This year she’s been nominated for both International Song of the Year and International Album of the Year. The ACCC is taking this opportunity to introduce these outstanding songwriter-musicians to the metro-wide music market. This celebration will be hosted at Charlson Meadows, a private foundation in Victoria, MN, in their grand, new Nancy Nelson Lake House.

The “Wander Hour” starts at 6pm to allow time for guests to wander the Nancy Nelson Lake House, tour the various rooms, learn about the history of Charlson Meadows before the concert starts at 7pm.

Tickets are $35/person and limited to 100 people; tickets can only be purchased on the ACCC website. A potluck is part of the ACCC House Concert tradition, so please bring a dessert or snack to share. Charlson Meadows Retreat Center is located at 1601 Hwy 7, Victoria. For more information, contact Barb Hone, Festivals Liaison. Purchase Concert Tickets

Literary Arts

On October 25 we hosted the first Writers Read at the Arts Center with about 20 people in attendance. Eight writers read their work in multiple rounds. You can find some of their books at the Holiday Gift Show. Thanks to all who attended and to those who read. We are looking forward to Writers Read the Holidays on Thursday, Dec. 13. For more details, see the Arts Center Activities above. Questions, contact Jim Kane.

Join for the First Time or Renew your ACCC Membership

We are a growing organization. If you have not renewed your membership for this year, or have yet to join, please do so by 12/31/18. Our membership has risen to over 200 Artists, Arts Supporters, Businesses and Organization Members with renewals still coming in.

If you have questions about your ACCC Membership, please contact Thank you and Happy Holidays!


Call for Volunteers

Want to get involved in a wonderful organization? There are many ways to do so! Just fill out the Volunteer Sign-up Form.

Arts Center Volunteers: Would you like to become involved in ACCC by volunteering a few hours a month in the Arts Center? We will provide training and support for your time in the Arts Center.

Volunteer Finance Advisor: Do you have public finance experience, familiarity with federal and state non-profit regulations and a few hours to contribute every quarter? We are looking for someone to consult with us on a volunteer basis to help ensure that as we grow our financial practices continue to be aligned with nonprofit regulations and requirements.

Festivals Liaison Trainee: As trainee over the next year, you would, with the help of the current Festivals liaison, Barb Hone, learn to manage one or both of our festivals: ArtStock: Art, Wine, & Music Festival, July 13 -14, 2019 and Victoria Fine Art Fair, August 10, 2019. This position requires advanced computer skills to interface with ZAPPlication, software that manages artist application process, jurying, and communication for 2 festivals. This is not time consuming but requires attention from November – August. The festivals will involve working with a committee of volunteers and overseeing successful activities of the special events. Position requires membership in the Arts Consortium. Contact: Barb Hone, Festivals Liaison

Festival Committee Members: These volunteers report to the Festival Liaison and are responsible for the following tasks the week of the festivals: Distributing promotional materials (postcard & signs), placing signage along the roads, coordinating and assisting with artist setup, and manning the Arts Consortium booth. Time commitment required: Attending an orientation meeting in the spring, 2019, and active support the week of the festivals. Committee members must be members in the Arts Consortium. Contact: Barb Hone, Festivals Liaison


Arts Consortium of Carver County

ArtMatters Newsletter November 2018

ArtMatters Newsletter  November 2018 Volume 8 Issue 10

Mark Your Calendar

November 5: Photo Contest Photos due
November 15: Photo Contest winners announced, 6-7pm, Victoria Burrow, Victoria
November 15: Grand Opening of the Holiday Gift Show, 6:30-8:30 pm, Arts Center
December 13: Writers Read the Holidays, 6:30-8:30pm, Arts Center
December 15: Clark Machtemes, Traveled Ground and Jen Bostic in ACCC concert, Charlson Meadows

ACCC Arts Center Activities

Grand Opening of the Holiday Gift Show is scheduled for November 15 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Arts Center. Thirty-one artists are participating in the Holiday Gift Show which will have specialty items for sale for the holidays, including ceramics, drawings, paintings, wood, jewelry, cast cement, felting, and glass as well as Barn Quilt books, other books by eight local authors, and Carver County musicians’ CDs. Contact: Deb Barce, Holiday Gift Show Coordinator

On October 25 the Arts Center hosted the first Writers Read, an open mic event in the Arts Center from 6:30-8:00. Local writers read poetry and short prose to an audience of twenty. Light refreshments were served. On December 13, the Arts Center will host Writers Read the Holidays with an open mic for reading poetry and short prose with a holiday theme. Please join us with your own written contributions or to listen to the writers. Watch for more details soon. Contact: Jim Kane, Literary Liaison, or Susan Coultrap-McQuin

Beginning November 15, open hours in the Arts Center will be extended to 5pm on Fridays and Saturdays and longer for special events in downtown Victoria. We will be closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday but hope you will stop by the Arts Center on Small Business Saturday when we will be open all day. Happy Thanksgiving!

Visual Arts

Peter Larson

Peter Larson, Photographer

Ridgeview Hospital is hosting a show of “Three Emerging Photographers of Carver County” that will continue until December 20.

In the Arts Center, the Members’ Show is receiving rave reviews. Be sure to stop by to see it before it comes down on November 9 for set-up of the Holiday Gift Show. Contact: Mary Strothers, Visual Arts Liaison and Gallery Coordinator

Photography Contest Deadline Nov 5 by midnight

It is the ACCC’s 4th annual photo contest. This year’s theme is “movement”, think motion, action, what moves? Our judge & presenter is Carver County photographer, Dr. Joe Kandiko. Photo contest entries are due November 5. Submit your entries in categories by grade or adult 18+. Submission instructions are on our website, view here. Winners will be announced on November 15 at the Victoria Burrow in its meeting room from 6-7pm. Winners and attendees will have an opportunity to enter another contest coordinated by the Victoria Burrow with prizes! Attendees will receive submission instructions the night of the event.

Attendees and winners can join the Grand Opening of the Holiday Gift Show at the Arts Center after the conclusion of the event. Contact: Barb Hone, Festivals Liaison

Music Arts

The Arts Consortium participated in the Freebella music festival in Victoria on September 22nd and hopes to participate again next year. Steve Kelzer is continuing to work on the Christmas CD and has been contacting musicians to play at the Arts Center. If you are interested, please contact him. Contact: Steve Kelzer, Music Liaison

House Concert December 15

Save the Date! Saturday, December 15, the Arts Consortium of Carver County (ACCC) will be sponsoring a House Concert featuring Clark Machtemes (pictured), his band Traveled Ground and protégé, Jenn Bostic. Last year, Jenn won the BCMA (British Country Music Association) award – International Touring Artist. This year she’s been nominated for both International Song of the Year and International Album of the Year.

The ACCC is taking this opportunity to introduce these outstanding songwriter-musicians to the metro-wide music market. This celebration is being sponsored by the Arts Consortium of Carver County and hosted by Charlson Meadows, a private Foundation in Victoria, MN, in their grand, brand new Nancy Nelson Lake House. Early November, tickets will go on sale for $35 per person on the ACCC website. Ticket sales will be limited. Watch our site for more details, including address and time.

Learn more about Carver County’s Jenn Bostic, international award winner on our Honorary Members page. Read about Traveled Ground among our Artist Profiles.

Literary Arts

Several ACCC member writers joined other local writers on Tuesday, Oct. 2 for a live read at the Chaska Library facilitated by Angela Hunt. They also have been active in the Arts Center with a reading on Oct. 25 and some will be selling their work during the Holiday Gift Show. Contact: Jim Kane, Literary Liaison

Barn Quilts/Art Tourism

The tour season is wrapping up for the 2018 season. We had thirty-five tours this season along with several speaking engagements! Guests from around the state visited Carver County to experience our culture, communities and countryside. The Arts Center marketing material was provided in our tour gifts bags, bringing continued exposure to the ACCC and our new Center. Contact: Janet Fahey, Barn Quilts/Tourism Liaison

Call For Volunteers

Want to get involved in a wonderful organization? There are many ways to do so! Just fill out a Volunteer Sign-up Form.

Arts Center Volunteers: Would you like to become involved in ACCC by volunteering a few hours a month in the Arts Center? We will provide training and support for your time in the Arts Center.

Volunteer Finance Advisor: Do you have public finance experience, familiarity with federal and state non-profit regulations and a few hours to contribute every quarter? We are looking for someone to consult with us on a volunteer basis to help ensure that as we grow our financial practices continue to be aligned with nonprofit regulations and requirements.

Festivals Liaison Trainee: As trainee over the next year, you would, with the help of the current Festivals liaison, Barb Hone, learn to manage one or both of our festivals: ArtStock: Art.Wine.Music Festival, July 13 -14, 2019 and Victoria Fine Art Fair, August 10, 2019. This position requires advanced computer skills to interface with ZAPPlication, software that manages artist application process, jurying, and communication for 2 festivals. This is not time consuming but requires attention from November – August. The festivals will involve working with a committee of volunteers and overseeing successful activities of the special events. Position requires membership in the Arts Consortium. Contact: Barb Hone, Festivals Liaison

Festival Committee Members: These volunteers report to the Festival Liaison and are responsible for the following tasks the week of the festivals: Distributing promotional materials (postcard & signs), placing signage along the roads, coordinating and assisting with artist setup, and manning the Arts Consortium booth. Time commitment required: Attending an orientation meeting in the spring, 2019, and active support the week of the festivals. Committee members must be members in the Arts Consortium. Contact: Barb Hone, Festivals Liaison

Join or Renew Your Membership

We are a growing organization. If you have not renewed your membership for this year, or have yet to join, please do so soon. Our membership has risen to over 200 Artists, Arts Supporters, Businesses and Organization Members as of the beginning of November, with renewals still coming in. We also have 951 email subscribers and 538 Facebook followers. Membership Information.

Arts Consortium of Carver County

ACCC ArtMatters Newsletter October

October 2018

ACCC Arts Center News

ACCC Members’ Show: Now through November 9

Have you seen our new ACCC Members’ Show that began September 10? Thirty member artists are sharing their works in the ACCC Arts Center until November 9. Come into the gallery and spend time seeing the work of these wonderful artists and reading the artistic statements about it. Their beautiful creations demonstrate a variety of subject matter and everything from abstract to highly realistic styles. Member artists are of various ages and backgrounds. The show is open during normal gallery hours or join us for the Artists’ Reception on October 11 from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Refreshments will be served, and member artists will be available to speak to you about their work and process. Artworks are available for immediate purchase and include paintings, sculptures, pottery, jewelry, photography, writing and more!
Join us for Writers Reading in Victoria by ACCC member writers on Oct. 25 at 6:30 pm. Watch for more details by email. We hope to see you soon at the Center. More information about the Members’ Show.

Holiday Gift Show:

We are excited to announce our first annual Holiday Gift Show at the Arts Center, from November 15th through December 24th.  With more visitors coming to the center every week, this show is a perfect opportunity to support a diverse collection of extremely talented local artists. We will have a wide selection of one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted gifts to purchase for friends and loved ones for the holidays.  There will be a Grand Opening Thursday, November 15th, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.  It will be free and open to everyone.  So, bring friends!  All contributing artists are encouraged to attend.

Call for Artists Holiday Gift Show: 

If you would like to have items in the Holiday Gift Show, please email three sample images of your work, indicating the medium and pricing, with the subject line HOLIDAY GIFT SHOW to by October 15, 2018. The pictures should represent what you are submitting to sell. All work needs to be original and made by the artist. No mass-produced items, or items made from kits. If your work is accepted, please have extra work ready, so we can restock when necessary. Questions? Please contact Deborah Barce or go to our website to review the Call for Artists for the Holiday Gift Show. Each artist must be an ACCC member.
Please note: Two-dimensional work should be framed, ready to hang or wrapped for display (limited wall space for large paintings). Accepted artists may need to bring a 6ft or round table to set up their own display, though we will have a glass cabinet for some fine jewelry.

Submission deadline: October 15 Email of acceptance: October 17 
Accepted Artists Set up: Tuesday, Nov.13 from 5-7pm and Wednesday, Nov.14 from 12-7pm
Grand Opening: Thursday, Nov.15 from 6:30-8:30pm 

ACCC Arts Center Open Hours
Wednesdays and Thursdays 12-5pm
Fridays 12-3pm
Saturdays 9am-3pm

Literary Arts

Chaska Library is hosting a live read of both poetry and prose on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 6:30pm in the Fireplace Room, 3 City Hall Plaza. The event will include Poetry in the Park contestants and Arts Consortium of Carver County ribbon winners in addition to any other writers who would like an opportunity for a live mic. Come hear the literary talent in the area! If you would like to participate in reading, please come with up to THREE 1-page readings prepared. We will present in rotation until 7:45pm. Refreshments will be provided by Chaska Friends. The event may be recorded by CC-TV.

Music Arts

Steve Kelzer has been reaching out to Carver County musicians and songwriters for submissions to a Christmas Album and performers for the Arts Space. For more information, contact: Steve Kelzer.

Art Tourism

The fall season is an especially busy time for Barn Quilt Tours. Tour groups from Minneapolis, St. Paul and the surrounding suburban areas especially love to see our communities, countryside and culture here in Carver County. They are fascinated with our public art projects (such as the Barn Quilts), our festivals & events, and of course our new Arts Center! Another group will be visiting the Arts Center on Saturday, October 13th and will be viewing our latest member exhibit. Barb Hone and Janet Fahey just finished another speaking engagement as well for the Northfield Quilters in Northfield, MN. If your group, club or classroom is looking for a new exciting presentation and art activity, please contact Barb Hone or Janet Fahey.

Art Wander

Thank you to all who attended Art Wander. It was a wonderful success with many people visiting many studios on the beautiful days of the event. This activity was another testament to the thriving arts in Carver County. Thank you also to all the artists that made the day a success. It is a lot of work, much appreciated by the attendees.

Seeking Volunteers

Volunteers needed for Operations and Administration Committee:
This committee is charged with overseeing the operations of the Arts Center, proposing policies and procedures for the center and for ACCC overall. We’d love to add members with experience in nonprofit operations, facilities management, and office operations. If you are interested, please fill out the Volunteer form. Susan Coultrap-McQuin or Janet Fahey, co-chairs of the O&A Committee, will contact you.

Volunteer needed as our Finance Advisor:
If you have some public finance experience and familiarity with federal and state non-profit regulations, and a few hours quarterly to give to ACCC, we’d love to have you serve as our Volunteer Finance Advisor. Responsibilities include working with the Executive Committee on annual budgeting and planning and helping us ensure our financial practices are aligned with federal and state non-profit regulations, conform to our mission and goals and reflect best practices in the field. If you are interested, please fill out the Volunteer form and a member of the Executive Committee will contact you.

ACCC CD Vol 4Join or Renew Your Membership

New and renewing members receive a complimentary ACCC CD, The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County Vol. IV. Use our easy online Membership Form to submit your information and pay online, or visit our Membership page for instructions to mail in your Membership.

Thanks for supporting the ACCC!

Arts Consortium of Carver County

ACCC ArtMatters Newsletter September

ArtMatters September Newsletter 2018

ACCC Arts Center

ACCC Arts Center Entrance

ACCC Arts Center News

By Susan Coultrap-McQuin
Thanks to all of you who have stopped by to see our new Arts Center in downtown Victoria. We have had over 500 visitors to our space so far. The Grand Opening on the evening of August 2 was a huge success. We welcomed the SW Chamber to a Meet and Greet event on August 7 and hosted a “Pop-up Concert” on August 17th. On August 23rd one of the Barn Quilt tour groups stopped by the center. We have enjoyed meeting all of our visitors and look forward to seeing you in the months ahead when we will be having a Members’ Show (September 10-November 9) and a Holiday Show (November 15 – December 24). Our new hours beginning in September will be Wednesday and Thursday, 12-5 (12-8 for Classic Cars on Sept 5 & 19), Friday 12-3, and Saturday 9-3. Come see us soon and consider volunteering to help out in the new space by filling out a Volunteer Form.

Up Next… ACCC Members’ Show

September 10 to November 9
Members can sign up to participate in this upcoming show by going to the to this post. Deadline for submission of paperwork and images is September 1. Accepted members will receive an email communication with more details. Intake of art work is scheduled at the Arts Center on Sept.5 from 12pm – 3pm at the Arts Center. The new show will be set up by September 10. Do come by to see it. We will have an Artists’ Reception on October 11th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. This show will be on display until November 9.

Visual Arts
By Liaison Mary Strother
The next show at Ridgeview Medical Center entitled “Emerging Photographers of Carver County” will include works by three local photographers. It will run from October 1 to December 20.

Literary Arts
By Liaison Jim Kane
The local authors booth at River City Days (RCD) was a huge success in terms of meeting folks and talking about writing, and individual authors sold books. Several people purchased books simply to support local writers, and that was very satisfying to hear. Thanks to Dan O’Brien, Doug Munson and Angela Hunt for all they did to set up and promote the RCD writers outing. The following weekend some of the same writers set up a booth at the Powderhorn Art Fair. They reported good foot traffic and some sales. Finally, the Victoria Arts Center Grand Opening drew writers from the Chanhassen Writers Group, enthusiastic about the new space and how it might be used to promote writing in Carver County.

Music Arts
By Liaison Steve Kelzer
The musicians have been busy. The Victoria Fine Art Fair on August 11 included performances by several local musicians. Vendors and attendees liked having the music. The next week Steve Kelzer coordinated the “Pop-up Concert” at the Arts Center on August 17th. It drew an enthusiastic crowd to hear the local performers. He is organizing a Christmas CD; contact him if you are interested in participating.

Art Tourism
By Liaison Janet Fahey
Barn Quilt Tours continue to be booked for 2018, so check them out ( In fact, the reputation of the Barn Quilts project continues to spread. On Saturday, August 11th, Janet Fahey was invited to speak to a group of Morocco dignitaries, who were on a week-long visit to Carver County, MN to learn about Agritourism. They were hosted by the U of M Extension office. Janet shared the story of the ACCC’s public art project, the Barn Quilts of Carver County, MN (BQofCC), and how it has created tourism to our region. Barb Hone joined as well and shared her Barn Quilts of Carver County MN book, coloring book, and her line of gifts and souvenirs. They met at the Quilt Haven on Main, in Hutchinson, where they were enthusiastically greeted and hosted by owners Bonny & Don Hartung. Cindy Buckholz, a barn quilt artist from Hutchinson attended as well and briefly demonstrated the art of painting a barn quilt. The three Morocco guests shared their vision of furthering tourism in their resort areas with US visitors, incorporating their cultural art and music. They were captivated by the BQofCC, the work of the ACCC and the quilts on display at the Quilt Haven. It was an incredible sharing ideas, experiences and friendships. Continued correspondence and networking are anticipated.

Art Wander September 21-23
The annual Edge of the Big Woods Art Wander is September 21, 22 and 23. Friday 1-6pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm. The ACCC Arts Center will be closed on Saturday Sept. 22 so all members can attend the Art Wander. All the details are at

Results From Past Events

Barb Hone and Steve Zeller

Barb Hone (Barn Quilt Treasures) and Steve Zeller (Parley Lake Winery) – 2018 organizers

By Barb Hone
This was the 8th successful year for our Art, Wine, and Music Festival. It was a great celebration including 55 artists, 7 musicians who entertained all day, winners of our annual poetry contest who read their poems, and 3 lucky guests who won our Art Gift Certificates, $100 apiece, to spend among the artists. A number of people of all ages had fun painting rocks to “Rock the Arts.” Thanks to Parley Lake Winery for again hosting us in their picturesque setting. Thanks, too, to all the volunteers who helped make it possible.

This year FOX, Channel 9, broadcast our event. The Thursday before, M. A. Rosko came to Parley Lake Winery for a preview. Eleven artists had set up a vignette of their booths representing 9 different mediums. The tape was aired the following morning, Friday, before the show and was aired again on the evening news! Following the shoot at the winery, Channel 9 also stopped by the new Arts Center in Victoria. It was great coverage for a wonderful weekend!

Victoria Fine Arts Fair
By Cindy Anderson
The Victoria Fine Art Fair was held on Saturday August 11th in downtown Victoria overlooking the shores of beautiful Stieger Lake. There were 29 artist booths. We had three bands playing throughout the day. Cindy Anderson welcomed each artist as a new member and asked them to go to the website to load their artist profiles and images. The artists were invited to register for the Member Show coming up in September, and they were also asked to consider the Holiday Show for selling more items on the smaller scale. Signups are on the website. In addition to the artists and musicians, the VFAF also included a public art event. 4 x 4 panels and paint were provided, and community members could paint at their will. The event overall went well. We are grateful to the 11 sponsors for the event, including Beyond Homes Realty, Qualitas Professional Services, Budget Blinds, Seek Eye Care, Willa June, The Social Ice Cream Parlor, Deer Run Golf Club, Nourish Life Clinic, Security Bank, and Re/Max Advisors West.

Public Art Project at Victoria Fine Art Fair 2018 – Cindy Anderson (organizer with Monica Hartman) with guests painting vertical art


Many volunteers are needed to work in the Arts Center, for committees related to the arts, and events like ArtStock and the Victoria Fine Art Fair. It you would like to help out, please fill out a form on the Volunteer Opportunities page to express your interest. Thank you! We will contact you soon.

ACCC Arts Center Open Hours in September
Wednesdays 12-5pm (Sept 5 & 19 12-8pm)
Thursdays 12-5pm
Fridays 12-3pm
Saturdays 9am-3pm
Closed Sat Sept 22 during the Art Wander

Join or Renew Your Membership

By Deborah Barce
New and renewing members receive a complimentary ACCC CD, The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County Vol. IV. Use our easy online Membership Form to submit your information and pay online, or visit our Membership page for instructions to mail in your Membership.

Thanks for supporting the ACCC and reading our ArtMatters September Newsletter

Arts Consortium of Carver County

ACCC logo

ACCC ArtMatters Newsletter August

ACCC ArtMatters Newsletter August 2018

Join us in celebrating the new home of the Arts Consortium of Carver County.
We invite you to attend our Grand Opening and Artists’ Reception on
Thursday, August 2 from 6:30-8:30pm
at the new ACCC Arts Center
7924 Victoria Drive, Studio Level in Victoria MN (in the historic Notermann Building)
Enjoy food, drink, music, art and literature
Meet the artists of our Colors of Summer exhibit along with musicians, authors and other members of the Arts Consortium.
Please RSVP to 952-443-3200 or

Victoria Fine Art Fair Logo 2018Victoria Fine Art Fair Sat, August 11 10am to 5pm
Join us and Celebrate the Arts along the shores of Stieger Lake in scenic downtown Victoria! The Victoria Fine Art Fair is a display of fine art from local and regional artists, organized by the Arts Consortium of Carver County. Shop for some of the most unique treasures, gifts and displays of fine art as you walk along the park overlooking beautiful Stieger Lake. Enjoy original works of art: watercolors, oil paintings, pottery, sculptures, jewelry, leather goods, and more! Bring your friends and family and savor the day of art with us in downtown Victoria! Be sure to also visit the brand new ACCC Arts Center and gallery located close by at 7924 Victoria Drive Victoria MN.

Victoria Fine Art Fair has 23 confirmed artists so far. We are looking for volunteers to help with putting out signs, marketing and recruiting more artists. If you are interested, please fill out the volunteer form on the website indicating your availability. Volunteer sign up link.

We’d like to thank the following businesses for sponsoring the Victoria Fine Art Fair: Beyond Homes Realty, Budget Blinds, Deer Run Golf Club, Hartman Communities, Nourish Life, Qualitas, Re/Max® Advisors West, Security Bank & Trust, Seek Eye Care, The Social Ice Cream Parlor, & Willa June.

More about the Victoria Fine Art Fair

Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce/Victoria Business Association Meet and Greet August 7th, 8-9am
On August 7th from 8-9am the ACCC will host the local business community at the new Arts Center for informal networking. The ACCC will showcase the new gallery, gift shop and class space to the business community. Light refreshments will be served.

Artspace Open House Invitation in Chaska August 7th, 7-9pm
The Arts Consortium of Carver County is partnering with the City of Chaska to participate in a market study done by Artspace regarding affordable housing for artists in the City of Chaska. Please consider attending this unique opportunity and share your creative talent and passion for the arts with Artspace.

Artspace is a non-profit group that focuses on creating affordable living space for artists in communities. They are a national group based in Minneapolis, but have projects all over the country including New Orleans, Seattle, New York, etc. They work in a lot of communities that are sort of known for their arts/culture but are very expensive to live in. What they found was that a lot of affordable neighborhoods were attracting artists to live. Once the artists were there, they started creating vibrant neighborhoods where people wanted to hang out. As soon as they created these vibrant neighborhoods, then people wanted to live there, which created more demand for housing, and thus increased the price for rents in the neighborhoods, making it difficult for the artists who made the neighborhoods vibrant to afford to stay and live there. Northeast Minneapolis is a good example of this. Read More

Holiday Gift Show November 15 to December 24
Items for the Holiday Gift Show will start arriving at the ACCC Arts Center on October 22, and will be continually restocked through the holidays. We will post dates and times of the Holiday Gift Show as we approach this wonderful new event. If you are an ACCC Member and you’d like to offer your art for sale, please contact If you’d like to volunteer to help during the show at the Arts Center, please complete the Volunteer Form. Thank you!

Seeking Volunteers

We are seeking an individual who would like to volunteer as the Arts Center Volunteer Coordinator to work with the Operations and Center Administration Committee to ensure successful volunteer staffing of our new Arts Center in Victoria. This will be an opportunity to see and help shape what is happening at the new home of the arts in Carver County.

Responsibilities will include overseeing the development and coordination of volunteers for the Arts Center, overseeing training and support of volunteers, and ensuring volunteer coverage of the center during Core Business hours, classes and special events.

If you are interested in this position, please email Susan Coultrap-McQuin ( and Janet Fahey (, co-chairs of Operations and Center Administration, explaining your background and interest.

Many volunteers are also needed for committees related to the arts and for events like ArtStock and the Victoria Fine Art Fair. It you would like to help out, please fill out the Volunteer Form to express your interest. Thank you! We will contact you soon.

Literary Arts
By Liaison Jim Kane
We now have books by Carver County writers on display in the ACCC Arts Center. Take a look at the books when you are visiting our arts space in Victoria. Also, ACCC members Doug and April Munson, Heidi Skarie, and S. Collin Ellsworth are among the Carver County writers participating in the Powderhorn Art Fair in Minneapolis on August 4 and 5. They will be selling their books. Stop by to see them and their work.

ArtStock 2018ArtStock Art, Wine & Music Festival a success!
ArtStock was a great success and featured 57 artists! Forty-five people became new members of the ACCC at the event. Visitors enjoyed the music of the 3 individuals and 4 groups that performed. Attendees also enjoyed a poetry reading and award ceremony on the music stage on Sunday.

If you, or someone you know, painted a rock at the Rock the Arts table at the main entrance, be sure to post your rock photo on our ACCC Facebook page to be entered into our photo contest. Post by 9/30/18.

If you don’t have a Facebook account, email your photo and we can post it for you. Send to

Art Tourism
By Liaison Janet Fahey
Barn Quilts of Carver County, MN attended ArtStock and continues to promote Art Tourism, the Arts Consortium of Carver County and our new Arts Center. The number of tours has grown to 35+ for the tour season. Check out the latest Barn Quilt article, titled “Square Deal” in the Chaska Herald, July 5, 2018 publication. Learn More about Barn Quilt Tours

Art Wander September 21-23
The annual Edge of the Big Woods Art Wander is September 21, 22 and 23. Friday 1-6pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm.

All the details are at

ACCC Arts Center Open Hours
Wednesdays 12-8pm
Thursdays 12-6pm
Fridays 12-3pm
Most Saturdays check our CALENDAR for dates

SIGN UP to take a FALL art class! Help us spread the word, we are now offering art classes in our new Arts Center. We have two adult painting options, one for beginners/intermediate and one for advanced students.

Sharing More Opportunities – Call for Artists

On Saturday, November 10th, 2018 The Sower Gallery will open “Interfaith Through the Arts: 2018”, a juried gallery exhibition celebrating the diversity of faiths and religions throughout our world. Photography, painting, mixed media, sculpture and all other visual arts will be considered for this exhibition. Deadline October 5, 2018. Read More

On Friday, August 31st, 2018 The Sower Gallery will open “Abstract: Existing in Thought”, a juried gallery exhibition to display the beauty that art can portray offering messages up for interpretation by the viewer – pulling away from the lucid message, and towards the conceptual and theoretical. Photography, painting, mixed media and all visual arts will be considered for this exhibition. Deadline August 3, 2018. Read More

Join Us or Renew Your Membership

By Deborah Barce
New and renewing members receive a complimentary ACCC CD, The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County Vol. IV. Use our easy online Membership Form to submit your information and pay online, or visit our Membership page for instructions to mail in your Membership.

Thanks for supporting the ACCC!

Arts Consortium of Carver County


Rock the Arts 2018

ArtMatters July Newsletter

Our Mission
The Arts Consortium of Carver County strengthens our community through the arts –and cultivates the arts through the community.

NEW! Visit our Programs and Events CALENDAR on the ACCC website. Important dates are posted for our annual events, special events and exhibits, upcoming classes available for registration and more!

Seeking Volunteers

We are seeking an individual who would like to volunteer as the Arts Center Volunteer Coordinator to work with the Operations and Center Administration Committee to ensure successful volunteer staffing of our new Arts Center in Victoria. This will be an opportunity to see and help shape what is happening at the new home of the arts in Carver County.

Responsibilities will include overseeing the development and coordination of volunteers for the Arts Center, overseeing training and support of volunteers, and ensuring volunteer coverage of the center during Core Business hours, classes and special events.

If you are interested in this position, please email Susan Coultrap-McQuin ( and Janet Fahey (, co-chairs of Operations and Center Administration, explaining your background and interest.

Many volunteers are also needed for committees related to the arts and for events like ArtStock and the Victoria Fine Arts Fair. It you would like to help out, please fill out a form to express your interest. Thank you! We will contact you soon.

ArtStock Volunteer Form
Victoria Fine Art Fair Volunteer Form
General Volunteer Form

ACCC Arts Center is Open

The ACCC Arts Center located at 7924 Victoria Drive in Victoria is open for business! Our current art exhibit is entitled Colors of Summer and features the visual, literary and musical arts of ACCC Board members. Stop by during regular business hours on Wednesdays from 12-8, Thursdays 12-6, and Fridays 12-3. We will also be open Saturday July 21 & 28 from 9-3. We will have limited hours during the week of the 4th of July but return to regular hours the following week. Check our website calendar for other updates on hours. At any time you can stop by to admire the artwork and pottery through the picture windows of the center.

Classes have started, so you might also catch us open on Tuesday mornings. SIGN UP to take a class! Offerings include drawing, painting, watercolor and more! Beginners welcome.

Grand Opening ACCC Arts Center August 2: Mark your calendars for the Grand Opening of the ACCC Arts Center on August 2, 6:30 to 8:30pm. More details will be coming your way soon.

Music Arts

By Liaison Steve Kelzer
We had a successful 4th CD Release Concert on June 8 with about 110 attendees in Chaska City Square Park. Seven songwriters performed and many CDs were sold. Musicians are getting ready for ArtStock where Tara B, Lehto and Wright, Blue Skies Band, Collin Patterson, Marni Daugaard, SR Dugan and Traveled Ground will be performing. Watch for a possible Christmas CD. If you don’t have your CDs from previous years, stop by the Arts Center to purchase one or order on our website. There are a few remaining from each year. A copy of the current CD is a gift with a renewal of membership.

Literary Arts

By Liaison Jim Kane
Dan O’Brien read from his new book, Japanese Ghost in America in the Arts Center on June 15. He discussed his new book and the Gion Festival that plays a role in the story. He had books available for sale and provided nice refreshments. It was a lovely event for all who attended.

ArtStock Art, Wine & Music Festival July 14-15

Rock the Arts 2018New! “Rock the Arts”
The Arts Consortium of Carver County sponsors “Rock” the Arts! 2018’s community art project. Paint a rock at ArtStock or at home, then “Hide & Seek”. Place your decorated rocks along public trails. Find painted rocks and photograph them. Post photos on our Facebook page: All submitted photos will be entries in a fall photo contest. Fun for all ages! Build family bonds! Get “Rockin’!”

ArtStock will be a great event again this year. We have 37 Artists signed up so far representing clay, wood, acrylic, fiber, culinary art, drawing, natural products, jewelry, metal, oil, photography, literary arts, glass and watercolor.Carver County musicians will entertain. Do join us at the event!

To Volunteer for short shifts during the ArtStock event, please complete the Volunteer form on the ArtStock page. It lists the days and shifts available. Thank you!

Victoria Fine Art Fair August 11

Artists’ applications are also coming in via the online form Zaaplication. We anticipate a great event August 11. We have artists signed up so far selling pottery, jewelry, metal, oil, photography, fiber and acrylic. We have room for more!

We are seeking Volunteers to help run the ACCC booth, greet attendees, sell CDs, assist with setup and take-down of the tent, etc. Short shifts available for this one day event. Volunteer sign up link.

Art Tourism

By Liaison Janet Fahey
The interest in Barn Quilt Art continues to spread across the state and region! Barb Hone & Janet Fahey attended the MN Quilt Show in St. Cloud, MN in June. They were invited to speak on the Barn Quilts of Carver County, MN and share how the project was established and the ongoing impact it has in our region. They also promoted the Arts Consortium of Carver County and our new Arts Center. Thirty plus tours have already been scheduled for the tour season with an anticipated increase of interest from the MN Quilt Show. Learn More about Barn Quilt Tours.

Art Wander September 21-23

The annual Edge of the Big Woods Art Wander is September 21, 22 and 23. Friday 1-6pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm. All the details are at

ACCC to Participate in Farmer’s Market in Chaska July 11th

The ACCC will participate in the Chaska Farmer’s Market in Chaska City Square Park on July 11 from 3-7pm. We will be promoting the ACCC to the community and meeting other community groups and businesses participating in the Farmer’s Market. It’s one more way to promote the arts!

Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce/Victoria Business Association Meet and Greet August 7th


On August 7th from 8-9am the ACCC will host the local business community at the new Arts Center. We will showcase the new center and explain the benefits we provide to our Carver County community as we get to know the local business community. Light refreshments will be served.

Join or Renew Your Membership

By Deborah Barce
New and renewing members receive a complimentary ACCC CD, The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County Vol. IV. Use our easy online Membership Form to submit your information and pay online, or visit our Membership page for instructions to mail in your Membership. Thanks for supporting the ACCC!


ArtMatters June Newsletter

Welcome to the new format for the ACCC ArtMatters Newsletter. The newsletter is a culmination of reports from our various leaders, liaisons, and committee chairpersons. It is our way of keeping everyone informed about what’s going on with the Arts Consortium of Carver County.

If you have questions about particular events, feel free to contact the liaison or any board member. View the current Board and Volunteers. You can also complete the Contact form on our Contact page anytime and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and enjoy!

NEW! Visit our Programs and Events CALENDAR on the ACCC website. Important dates are posted for our annual events, special events and exhibits, upcoming classes available for registration and more!

Visual Arts
By Liaison Mary Strother
A new exhibit at Ridgeview Medical Center features the work of ACCC artist Marla Mullaney. Her work will be showing for 2 months. Watch for the Members Expo at Chaska Community Center. A reception for that show will be held on June 10.

Music Arts
By Liaison Steve Kelzer
The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County, Vol. IV CD has been completed with 21 songwriters represented. This is 4 more than last year’s Songwriters CD. CDs can be purchased online after the June 8th Release Concert at Chaska City Square Park, starts at 6:30pm. New and renewing members will receive a copy of the CD with their membership packet.

Literary Arts
By Liaison Jim Kane
Dan O’Brien will bring the first literary event to the Arts Center with the release of his latest book in his Japan Series. Several authors are making plans to have booths at ArtStock and River City Days. Dan O’Brien is heading up the Artstock effort and Doug Munson is handling River City Days. Planning continues for the writing/story telling portion of the 2018 Veterans Day weekend at Charlson Meadows.

Daniel O’Brien Book Event
June 15, 2018 at the ACCC Arts Center
6:00 to 6:30pm Social Time
6:30-7:30pm Author Presentation, Japanese Culture Slide Show, and Q&A
7:30-8:00pm Book Signing

Seeking Arts Center Volunteers

We have a specific need for Volunteers to help staff the new Arts Center. We will have various shifts and will provide ample training. It’s a chance to see what’s going on at the Arts Center, meet new people and enjoy beautiful art work by ACCC Members. Please consider Volunteering at the Arts Center. Volunteer Form Link

New! Arts Center Opening in June

On June 1 ACCC Board Members will begin the process of moving into the new Arts Center, 7924 Victoria Drive, Studio Level, Victoria MN 55386. We are excited! The new center will host gallery exhibits, a small gift shop, classes, and a variety of special arts events.

Author Talk. Our first event on June 15 at 6:00pm will be a talk by Dan O’Brien, author of “Japanese Ghost in America.” Join us on the 15th and bring a friend for a stimulating launch of Arts Center events.

Art Classes. You may also want to consider two September painting classes now open for registration on the Classes page on our website.

Attention Visual Artist members. We hope to have an opportunity for every visual artist (ACCC member) to have a ‘work’ displayed in our new gift shop/gallery (space allowing). This may be a work in a sleeve reinforced by foam core or similar. Stay tuned for more details and how to submit your sample work.

Purple Exhibit. We are planning a ‘Purple/PRINCE’ dedicated ‘place’ at our new Arts Center… be thinking about small purple art you’d like to enter into our ‘Purple/PRINCE’ exhibition. Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2018. More details to come. Questions can be sent to

ArtStock Art, Wine & Music FestivalArtStock Art, Wine & Music Festival July 14-15
New! “Rock the Arts”
The Arts Consortium of Carver County sponsors “Rock” the Arts! 2018’s community art project. Paint a rock at ArtStock or at home. “Hide & Seek”. Place your decorated rocks along public trails. Find painted rocks and photograph them. Post photos on our Facebook page. All submitted photos will be entries in a fall photo contest. Fun for all ages! Build family bonds! Get “Rockin’!”

Post photos on the ACCC Facebook page:

Artists’ applications are coming in via the online form Zaaplication. Barb Hone reported we are on schedule for a great event July 14-15.

To Volunteer for short shifts during the ArtStock event, please complete the Volunteer form on the ArtStock page. It lists the days and shifts available. Thank you!

Victoria Fine Art Fair August 11
Artists’ applications are also coming in via the online form Zaaplication. We anticipate a great event August 11.

More about the Victoria Fine Art Fair

Art Wander September 21-23
The annual Edge of the Big Woods Art Wander is September 21, 22 and 23. Friday 1-6pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm.

All the details are at

Art Tourism
By Liaison Janet Fahey
Thirty Barn Quilt Tours have been scheduled for 2018. One tour in particular will feature the Arts Consortium. It is a “Purple Artistry Tour” on Saturday, October 13th, in which the group will be touring the Arts Center. The goal would be to have the ‘Purple/PRINCE’ art display showing. The Barn Quilt Tours are featured in May’s SCENE Magazine. The ACCC Arts Center is featured as well.

Learn More about Barn Quilt Tours

Call for Volunteers

We are looking for quality individuals and volunteers wanting to be involved with the Arts. We are busy preparing for the opening and operation of the new ACCC Arts Center in downtown Victoria at 7924 Victoria Drive as well as our annual events including ArtStock and the Victoria Fine Art Fair. We are taking inquiries and matching your talents to our needs.

Please become involved today by filling out the online Volunteer Form. Let us know how you would like to help us further our mission of connecting communities with the Arts.

If you’d like to Volunteer specifically at ArtStock, please sign up on the ArtStock page where we have specific shifts listed. Thank you!

ACCC CD Vol 4Membership Update
By Deborah Barce
New and renewing members receive a complimentary ACCC CD. The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County Vol. IV will be released June 8 at the Release Concert in Chaska. Use our easy online Membership Form to submit your information and pay online, or visit our Membership page for instructions to mail in your Membership. Thanks for supporting the ACCC!

Note of Thanks
Edward Sales and B&B Carpet deserve a huge round of thanks for allowing the ACCC the use of much needed storage space until we could get a place of our own. Thank you!

Arts Consortium of Carver County

ArtMatters May Newsletter

Welcome to the new format for the ACCC ArtMatters Newsletter. The newsletter is a culmination of reports from our various leaders, liaisons, and committee chairpersons. It is our way of keeping everyone informed about what’s going on with the Arts Consortium of Carver County.

If you have questions about particular events, feel free to contact the liaison or any board member. View the current Board and Volunteers. You can also complete the Contact form on our Contact page anytime and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and enjoy!

Annual Meeting
Over 50 guests joined the ACCC Board for the annual meeting on March 20th to learn more about the ACCC and the new Arts Center in Victoria at 7924 Victoria Drive, Victoria. Winners of this year’s Flash Fiction contest were announced: 1st Place: “Butternut” by T. Marie Bertineau; 2nd Place: “Abandoned Child” by Virginia Sievers; 3rd Place: “What I Deserve” by Anne Jackson and their works presented to the group.

Guests were able to learn more about arts activities in the county including what’s happening in music, literary arts, visual arts, and art tourism. President Cynthia Anderson provided an overview of the vision for the new space and discussed potential uses including as a gallery, classrooms, event space, art shows, and more. Guests enjoyed refreshments provided by our new neighbors, Ruby’s Roost Cafe! We want to thank all of our members for their support. It is only through your support that the new Arts Space will become reality.

2018 Annual Statement – it includes a letter from our President, expanded Mission, Reports from our Genre and Committee Leaders, our signature annual Events, Board of Directors, and finally our Financial Statement and Annual Budget.

Visual Arts
By Liaison Mary Strother
The exhibit at Ridgeview Medical Center ended April 30th. We are looking forward to the next show at the Chaska Community Center.

Call for EXPO Artists
Annual Artists’ Expo at the Chaska Community Center
Show Dates June 1-29
Opening Reception Sunday June 10 from 3:30-5pm
This is open to members of the ACCC. Artists may submit up to 3 jpegs of their work by Wednesday May 16 to include in the subject line, EXPO. Notice of acceptance by email will be sent Friday May 18.

Accepted work should be delivered to the art room at the Chaska Community Center May 30 either from 10am-12pm or 7 -8pm. More EXPO details

Music Arts
By Liaison Steve Kelzer
I am working with local musicians on the 4th CD of music of Carver County. Eighteen songwriters will be featured on the CD. The CD Release Concert is set for June 8th at the Chaska City Park. Musicians have been chosen to perform for ArtStock in July and the Victoria Art Fair in August.

Literary Arts
By Liaison Jim Kane
The first reading to be held at the new Arts Center in Victoria will be by Daniel O’Brien, local author and teacher. Daniel holds an MA in Advanced Japanese Studies, is creator of the Japan Series, “Exploring Japanese culture through mysteries” ( He is also founder the Authors Collective, and a member of the Chanhassen Library Writer’s Group since 2011. He has read and presented his work at coffee shops, literary centers, bookstores, and libraries around Minnesota. He teaches Medieval History and literature at Eagle Ridge Academy Classical Charter High School in Minnetonka, MN.

Event is planned for June 15, 2018 at the ACCC Arts Center
6:00 to 6:30pm Social Time
6:30-7:30pm Author Presentation, Japanese Culture Slide Show, and Q&A
7:30-8:00pm Book Signing

Arts Center
The Arts Consortium will move into their new space in Victoria at the beginning of June. The first event will be a reading by Daniel O’Brien. Planning for the new space is well underway. Watch for an announcement of an opening event.

ArtStock Art, Wine & Music Festival
Artists’ applications are coming in via the online form Zaaplication. Barb Hone reported we are on schedule for a great event July 14-15.

Art Wander
The annual Edge of the Big Woods Art Wander is September 21, 22 and 23. Friday 1-6pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm. All the details are at

Victoria Fine Art Fair
Artists’ applications are also coming in via the online form Zaaplication. We anticipate a great event August 11.

Art Tourism
Liaison Janet Fahey has already scheduled 28 Barn Quilt Tours for 2018. Her tours will include a stop at the ACCC Arts Center when it is open. Barn Quilts Tours is featured in the latest issue of Scene Magazine. Learn More about Barn Quilt Tours.

Call for Volunteers
We are looking for quality individuals and volunteers wanting to be involved with the Arts. We are busy preparing for the opening and operation of the new ACCC Arts Center in downtown Victoria at 7924 Victoria Drive as well as our annual events including ArtStock and the Victoria Fine Art Fair. We are taking inquiries and matching your talents to our needs.

Please become involved today by filling out the online Volunteer Form. Let us know how you would like to help us further our mission of connecting communities with the Arts.

Membership Update
By Deborah Barce
Is it time to renew your membership?
Please send your membership in today! Use our easy online form to submit your information and pay online, or visit our Membership page for instructions to mail in your Membership. Thanks for supporting the ACCC!

Contest Update
Poetry Contest by Barb Hone
ACCC’s 2018 Poetry Contest – Blue Ribbon Winners Announced. This year 75 poems were submitted to our 5th annual poetry contest. Our preliminary judges selected 5 poems in each category to be sent on for final consideration. First place winners were chosen by our Minnesota State Poet Laureate, Joyce Sutphen, a resident of Carver County who teaches at Gustavus Adolphus College.

A “reading & ribbons” event will be planned at our new ACCC Arts Center. Also, poets will read at ArtStock Art. Wine. Music Festival, Sunday, July 15. All winning poems and poets are posted on the Arts Consortium of Carver County website, link below, and have been submitted to local newspapers.

Blue Ribbon Winners from the schools include: Sydney Zabel – 8th Clearwater Middle School in Waconia, 9th Sydney Turner, Chaska High School; Ava Joos, 5th Chanhassen Elementary and Charlotte Bloom, 2nd Bluff Creek. Adult winners include Suzanne Thiesfeld, Carver County and Heather Hollermann, Hopkins.

Read the Winning Poems

Note of Thanks
We want to welcome our newest volunteers in leadership roles, our new ACCC Treasurer is Linda Stuckey and Jourdan Hay is the Chairperson of our new Finance Committee. Thank you!







Arts Consortium of Carver County

February ArtMatters Newsletter

ACCC Annual Meeting

Thank you to the many volunteers who commit their time, talent and energy to keep our ACCC thriving and growing each and every year!
Join us at our ACCC Annual Meeting
Tuesday, March 20th, 6:30PM
Location: Notermann Bldg – 7924 Victoria Dr Victoria MN

Seeking Volunteer Treasurer

Come grow with us! We are seeking an ACCC Volunteer Treasurer and Art Center Administrator, read Treasurer job description.

Call for Song Writers and Musicians

The ACCC is now creating Volume 4 of The Song Writers and Musicians of Carver County CD.
We are inviting musicians and song writers to contact Steve Kelzer if you are interested in participating in the creation of the 4th ACCC CD. Seeking current and former Carver County residents. Original work only, no covers.
Volumes I, II, and III are available for purchase and the current Volume is given to new members as they join. 100% of the proceeds from the CD sales are donated to the ACCC. Deadline: March 15, 2018.
Contact: Steve Kelzer, Producer 952-465-2384 or


The 2018 Flash Fiction Winners have been announced. Winning authors & entries will be submitted to local newspapers and we’ve invited them to read their work at the ACCC Annual Meeting on March 20th. Twenty-four writers submitted stories. Our judges thank them all for their creativity and enthusiasm. Selecting the top three was a challenging exercise.

Poetry Contest Submission deadline is midnight, March 1, 2018. For students grades K-12 and adults.

Current Event

A Glimpse of the spring exhibit at the Ridgeview Medical Center in Waconia

Ridgeview Medical Center Art Show

For 3 years, on a quarterly basis, the ACCC Visual Arts Liaison & Committee have been installing local artists’ work in the well traveled Same Day Surgery wing of Ridgeview Medical Center. The public service initiative has been providing rotating art galleries for the pleasure of the hospital staff, patients and guests. It offers artists the opportunity to exhibit and sell their art, 2D and 3D. It contributes to the ACCC’s mission – to strengthen our community through the arts – and cultivate the arts through the community.

Thanks to Mary Strother, ACCC Visual Arts Liaison and her team, graphic artist who designs the flyer, the printer, and to many artists who have participated in this venture. The ACCC Artist Exhibit is open through April 30th.

Upcoming Events

ArtStock Art, Wine & Music Festival Saturday and Sunday, July 14 & 15 Artist Registration is now open

Victoria Fine Art Fair Saturday August 11 Artist Registration is now open

Edge of the Big Woods Art Wander September 22, 23, & 24 Details

Carver County Book Clubs

In our January ArtMatters Newsletter we asked for input from our readers about Book Clubs in Carver County. Below is a link to the post of all book clubs that were submitted.

Book Clubs in Carver County

If you would like to add more to the list, we will accept them! Link above to the survey to submit more. Thank you!

Arts Consortium of Carver County

ArtMatters ACCC Newsletter January 2018

Welcome to our new format. Now you can read our newsletter in full, on your desktop, tablet or phone, in an easy-to-read format. Enjoy!

ArtMatters ACCC Newsletter January 2018

2018—The ACCC Enters its 9th Year!

Thank you for supporting the ACCC. Your memberships have created opportunities for artists to exhibit and sell their art and to participate in a thriving art-community. Communities thrives in an art environment.

2018 Spotlight—This spring the ACCC will move into its new home – the historic Notermann Building in Victoria at 7924 Victoria Drive!


Flash Fiction Accepting submissions now through midnight, February 1, 2018.

Poetry Contest Poems may be submitted now through midnight, March 1, 2018.

National Book Clubs

The PBS NewsHour has teamed up with The New York Times to bring you a new book club called Now Read This. It will allow readers to participate in discussions in real time. January book is Sing Unburied Sing by Jesmyn Ward. Join on Facebook.

Complete our survey about Carver County Book Clubs
If you currently participate in, or know of, book clubs in Carver County, please complete our quick online survey so we can collect information about book clubs. Read our newsletter next month for the results!

Link: Book Club Survey

Your Membership enables the ACCC to successfully apply for grants, providing funds to grow our Mission, which is
To strengthen our community through the arts—and cultivate the arts through the community.

Join or Renew your ACCC Membership Today! We welcome artists, businesses, organizations, individuals and art supporters at various support levels.